My name is Jeaye

I'm a leader, a problem solver, and a hacker with a passion for privacy and security.

Removing IME: Upgrading System76 firmware on Arch

In the wake of the Intel Management Engine security revelations, System76 developed a firmware upgrade for all of its machines and released an update plan in November 2017. In February 2018, owners of the Oryx Pro were informed that the firmware update was available through System76’s open source firmware updater. For anyone not on System76’s Pop!_OS or similar Debian-based distros, this firmware updater probably didn’t do anything. After waiting patiently for a couple of months for more updates and not seeing any fixes, I dug into how I could get things going. Herein lies the easiest way I found.

Before proceeding

To start with, try the firmware update normally, as recommended by the System76 docs. The approach I took is pretty hacky, but it was the only thing which worked for my setup. Ideally, you can take a more trodden route.

Silent errors when running

The system76-driver AUR package provides a systemd service which just runs the system76-firmware command to check for firmware updates. In my case, when I ran it, I saw something like the following:

$ system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:51,895  INFO  Verified manifest signature...
2018-04-08 10:48:51,895  INFO  Fetching f7cd3816401c6ab1cd2f0a83285a56ee432a9736b707870fb7aeb34c2750bcefc2adcf0f83952696eb688b9768e93f68 with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:51,897  INFO  Fetching e4206477b3f5bad09d54363a78ae79e2916127399e9725c3b9d77bf229c25c293111926d841c1c05b186a96c0963f6ff with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:51,933  INFO  Fetching ec0b0b475412acde6b2b9a05647a64f48beaa5baea298e8801ce1a34bbddcdada5fc2d8025b2e6f07d9802c384a01e7c with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:52,262  INFO  Verified manifest signature...
2018-04-08 10:48:52,263  INFO  Fetching f7cd3816401c6ab1cd2f0a83285a56ee432a9736b707870fb7aeb34c2750bcefc2adcf0f83952696eb688b9768e93f68 with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:52,265  INFO  Fetching e4206477b3f5bad09d54363a78ae79e2916127399e9725c3b9d77bf229c25c293111926d841c1c05b186a96c0963f6ff with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
2018-04-08 10:48:52,299  INFO  Fetching ec0b0b475412acde6b2b9a05647a64f48beaa5baea298e8801ce1a34bbddcdada5fc2d8025b2e6f07d9802c384a01e7c with cache /var/cache/system76-firmware
$ echo $?

No errors, no warnings, a clean exit code, but it didn’t update my firmware or give me any insight into how or when that was going to happen. This is how things were since the system76-firmware command was added to the AUR package.

Issues with the display

When deciding to dig into what was going on, the first thing I did was step through the program with pdb. From there, it became clear that system76-firmware is trying to show a modal, but can’t find the display name, so it exits silently. It’s reading the display name from who, which is odd, since I’d think it’d just check DISPLAY, so I edited the source to just return ":0", which is the value of echo $DISPLAY in my X session. This could be because I’m running i3-wm and not GNOME or KDE, but it’s an assumption made on System76’s part either way.

For the file: /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/system76driver/

diff --git a/ b/
index 95bafe1..90c60f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ def get_user_session():
                     "who | awk -v vt=tty$(fgconsole) '$0 ~ vt {print $5}'",
+    display_name = ":0" # XXX: Hack

     user_pid = subprocess.check_output(
                     "who -u | awk -v vt=tty$(fgconsole) '$0 ~ vt {print $6}'",

Issues with efibootmgr

After that one line fix, running system76-firmware resulted in a modal! I could choose to close the modal or click a button to install the firmware. After trying to install, another modal shows up with the procedure instructions, as they’re also shown on the System76 support page, and a button to restart into the firmware updater. Restart!

Back into GRUB, then into Arch, with no firmware updates. Damn. So I dug more into the source for, hopefully, another one liner. There’s a bash script, as part of the Python source, called FIRMWARE_SET_NEXT_BOOT. It looks like this:

EFIDEV="$(findmnt -n /boot/efi -o SOURCE)"
EFINAME="$(basename "${EFIDEV}")"
EFISYS="$(readlink -f "/sys/class/block/${EFINAME}")"
EFIPART="$(cat "${EFISYS}/partition")"
DISKSYS="$(dirname "${EFISYS}")"
DISKNAME="$(basename "${DISKSYS}")"

echo -e "\e[1mCreating Boot1776 on "${DISKDEV}" "${EFIPART}" \e[0m" >&2
efibootmgr -B -b 1776 || true
efibootmgr -C -b 1776 -d "${DISKDEV}" -p "${EFIPART}" -l '\system76-firmware-update\boot.efi' -L "system76-firmware-update"

echo -e "\e[1mSetting BootNext to 1776\e[0m" >&2
efibootmgr -n 1776

echo -e "\e[1mInstalled system76-firmware-update\e[0m" >&2
efibootmgr -v

This is what’s trying to make the next boot go into the updater’s EFI file instead of the normal boot order. So, already, there are some assumptions made.

  1. The user is booting with EFI
  2. /boot/efi is mounted
  3. Writing the System76 updater EFI to /boot/efi/system76-firmware-update/ is useful
  4. efibootmgr -C is valid
  5. Errors don’t matter. They do though, so it should be using safer settings.

For all but the first of these assumptions, on my Arch setup, System76 is guessing incorrectly. Yes, I’m booting with EFI, but /boot/efi isn’t always mounted. Furthermore, the system76-firmware-update directory should be installed into /boot/efi/EFI if it wants to actually be useful. Finally, according to the efibootmgr man page, -c should be used to create boot entries. -C doesn’t exist. In your system76-firmware output, you’ll probably see something like this (from efibootmgr):

Could not prepare Boot variable: No such file or directory

So, you might try the following, in order to get your restarts to bring you into the updater:

  1. Patch the bash script to use -c instead of -C with efibootmgr
  2. Mount /boot/efi and then run system76-firmware (then see if it installs properly and try rebooting)
  3. Move /boot/efi/system76-firmware-update to /boot/efi/EFI/system76-firmware-update and then run system76-firmware again, to see if efibootmgr -c picks it up and try your restart

I was able to get efibootmgr to finally run without error, but a restart still just brought me to GRUB. So, I took a more manual route.

Before proceeding: get Rescatux

Very importantly, make sure you have a USB or CD/DVD with a burned image of Rescatux. Rescatux is an amazing 20MB rescue boot image which can boot into most anything. This is not a precaution; if you follow these steps, you will need Rescatux, so burn it now.

  1. Download it here
  2. Burn with dd or whatever you prefer

Manually loading the updater EFI

My idea was simple: just add a GRUB entry for the firmware updater, since I can so reliably make it into GRUB. The catch is that the firmware updater, thinking that it was booted from the temporary boot path made by the bash script discussed above, deletes the EFI boot path which was used to boot. As long as there’s a Rescatux image lying around, though, that’s not a problem.

Add the GRUB entry

The GRUB entry should look something like this (put it at the bottom of /etc/grub.d/40_custom):

menuentry "System76 Firmware Update" {
        insmod chain
        insmod search_fs_uuid
        search --fs-uuid --no-floppy --set=root TODO-ID
        chainloader /EFI/system76-firmware-update/boot.efi

In order for it to work for your machine, you need to do two things.

Find the filesystem UUID

Run cfdisk <your disk> and select your EFI partition to see its filesystem id. For example, mine is 129D-B845. Replace TODO-ID in the above GRUB entry with your id. Here’s what it should look like:

$ cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1
                                   Disk: /dev/nvme0n1
                 Size: 232.9 GiB, 250059350016 bytes, 488397168 sectors
              Label: gpt, identifier: B7545E19-CF68-4779-BD95-F12C7DC8DDA6

    Device                 Start          End      Sectors      Size Type
>>  /dev/nvme0n1p1          2048      1050623      1048576      512M EFI System
    /dev/nvme0n1p2       1050624    488397134    487346511    232.4G Linux filesystem
 │  Partition name: primary                                                           │
 │  Partition UUID: 7761E4D0-5726-45BE-9761-25FC114DE691                              │
 │  Partition type: EFI System (C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B)                 │
 │ Filesystem UUID: 129D-B845                                                         │
 │Filesystem LABEL: EFI                                                               │
   [ Delete ]  [ Resize ]  [  Quit  ]  [  Type  ]  [  Help  ]  [  Write ]  [  Dump  ]

Move the updater to the EFI partition

As mentioned above, system76-firmware installs the updater to /boot/efi/system76-firmware-update. If that’s your EFI root, great. Just update the GRUB entry to not use /EFI/. If your system is like mine, though, you’ll need to move the updater to /boot/efi/EFI/system76-firmware-update.

Generate GRUB’s new config

With the new GRUB entry, the final step to get ready for the reboot is to generate the new GRUB configs.

$ grub-mkconfig --output /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Time to update the firmware

At this point, a reboot should bring you into GRUB with your new entry. After selecting your new entry, you should see the updater and you can press enter to continue. Remember to have the System76 docs on hand, so you understand how the update flow should go.

After a little while, the updater will reboot. Your fans will be on full blast. At the GRUB menu, choose the updater again. Once you’re back in the updater, it’ll work for a while more, run some checks, and finally power off. Follow the System76 docs to jump into BIOS, adopt the defaults, and everything else. When you’re ready to get back into GNU/Linux, you’ll find your EFI boot path is gone.


Plug in your Rescatux media, reboot your machine, optionally hit F2 to change your boot order, if necessary, to make it into the Rescatux menu. The default option, to find all bootable OSs, will do the trick, so just hit enter and then choose the first Linux boot option to get back into your typical environment.

Reinstall GRUB

Since your EFI boot path was wiped by the updater and you probably don’t want to boot via Rescatux forever, once you’re back in a sane GNU/Linux environment, just mount your EFI partition and reinstall GRUB. For me, that process looked like this.

$ cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1
$ mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi
$ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub

The Intel Management Engine has now been disabled and its code has been removed. You can try running the firmware updater again, just to be sure that it detects everything is up to date.


Finally, feel free to remove /boot/efi/EFI/system76-firmware-update and /boot/efi/system76-firmware-update, if they’re still around. You can also remove the GRUB boot entry from /etc/grub.d/40_custom and re-generate your GRUB config.

$ grub-mkconfig --output /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Post-update issues

In #system76 on Freenode, which is barren and likely not worth joining, I’ve seen some questions about people losing some fn key functionality after the update. For me, HDMI didn’t work at all after the update. I unplugged and tested the HDMI cable and monitor on another machine and concluded that the firmware update must’ve borked something. xrandr didn’t show any connections, but I didn’t look further into it than that, since it was late and I was pleased enough to’ve finished the update.

In the morning, HDMI worked as expected, without any hiccups. Maybe the machine also just need a good night’s rest.