My name is Jeaye

I'm a leader, a problem solver, and a hacker with a passion for privacy and security.

Finding an apartment with Clojure

Finding a reasonably-priced apartment in the Bay Area can be a stressful job. After factoring in the pressure of an expiring lease, making a poor decision can be even easier. One approach to weeding out the influx of duplicated, spammy, and unwanted postings is to use a bot and a set of filters. Such a bot could crawl various apartment listing sites, match all listings against your filters, and report to you in whichever format you prefer: email, HipChat, IRC, RSS, etc. Such a bot may look something like this.

Existing bots

Arguably the most well-known apartment finding bot was created and documented by Vik Paruchuri here. It takes a very similar approach to what I’ve done, but uses imperative Python and Slack. For those interested in researching such a bot in Python, that’d be a great resource. For my research, a bot in Clojure would prove to be more fun to write.


Padwatch is an apartment finding bot written in Clojure, which is designed to work with Craigslist and Zillow. Both sources provide HTML content which follows specific patterns and is “scrapable” in an automated fashion. The key behind the logic for doing web scraping in Clojure is Enlive; it’s superb for performing queries on HTML data.

Example usage of Enlive

Let’s say the goal is to pull out some Craigslist apartment information. It would be possible to use the following to download and parse the HTML into a Clojure data structure:

(def html-data (-> ""

From there, it’s possible to make queries on that data. By inspecting the HTML in a browser, it’s clear that each apartment listing is in a <p> tag and has a class of result-info. It’s possible then, with Enlive, to pull out all entities which match that pattern:

; Pull out just the rows of results from all of the HTML
(defn select-rows [html-data]
  (enlive/select html-data [:p.result-info]))

(def rows (select-rows html-data))

After that selection, rows is just a Clojure vector, where each element represents the contents of the matched <p> entity. Now, the HTML of a given row contains something like this:

<!-- Note, here's the :p.result-info referenced from above. -->
<p class="result-info">
  <span class="icon icon-star" role="button" title="save this post in your favorites list">
    <span class="screen-reader-text">favorite this post</span>

  <!-- There's information here about the post date. -->
  <time class="result-date" datetime="2016-03-18 12:26" title="Mon 07 Mar 12:22:08 PM">Mar 07</time>

  <!-- This is a link to the page specifically for this listing, as well as its street address. -->
  <a href="/apa/3299094122.html" data-id="3299094122" class="result-title hdrlnk">1672 Hidden alley place</a>

  <!-- Herein lies the price, bedroom/bath count, and neighborhood. -->
  <span class="result-meta">
    <span class="result-price">$2200</span>
    <span class="housing"> 5br - </span>
    <span class="result-hood"> (sacramento)</span>
    <span class="result-tags">
      <span class="maptag" data-pid="3299094122">map</span>
    <span class="banish icon icon-trash" role="button">
      <span class="screen-reader-text">hide this posting</span>
    <span class="unbanish icon icon-trash red" role="button" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <a href="#" class="restore-link">
      <span class="restore-narrow-text">restore</span>
      <span class="restore-wide-text">restore this posting</span>

To pull out that data into our row data, it’s possible to do the following:

; Helper to pull out the first match of an Enlive select
(def select-first (comp first enlive/select))

; Take in a single row and a map onto which to assoc the extracted date 
(defn row-post-date [row-data row]
  (let [post-date (-> (select-first row-data [:time]) :attrs :datetime)]
    (assoc row
           :post-date post-date)))

(row-post-date (first rows) {}) ; possible output: {:post-date "2016-03-18 12:26"}

; Same format as above, but assoc in the row's price, if it's valid
(defn row-price [row-data row]
  (let [price-str (-> (select-first row-data [:span.result-price])
        valid? (re-matches #"\$\d+" (or price-str ""))
        price (when valid?
                (Integer/parseInt (subs price-str 1)))]
    (assoc row
           :price price)))

(row-price (first rows) {}) ; possible output: {:price 2300}

As is hopefully quite clear, with a number of pure, concise functions, it’s possible to extract a great deal of information about a given apartment listing. The benefit of having these functions be individual and pure is that they’re both composable and easy to debug/reason about. That is, a function like row-post-date has the simple task of selecting some data and transforming some other data before returning it. The reader of the function doesn’t need to worry about global state, which may be mutated, affecting the result of the function. The reader also needn’t worry about thread safety, since these pure functions are using Clojure’s persistent, immutable data structures. This is the benefit of functional programming with Clojure.

By combining those functions together, in a reduction, it’s straightforward to build up a model of a given listing.

(reduce #(when %1
           (%2 rows %1))
        {} ; Starting with an empty map
        [row-link row-post-date row-price row-where]) ; All of the extractors

; Example simulation of data:
; 1. Reduce calls the first extractor with the empty map
(row-link {})
  => {:link ""} ; output

; 2. The result of that is then collected and the next extractor is called
(row-post-date {:link ""})
  => {:link ""
      :post-date "Feb 2 of the 5th ice age"}

; 3. Rinse and repeat
(row-price {:link ""
            :post-date "Feb 2 of the 5th ice age"})
  => {:link ""
      :post-date "Feb 2 of the 5th ice age"
      :price 2300}

(row-where {:link ""
            :post-date "Feb 2 of the 5th ice age"
            :price 2300})
  => {:link ""
      :post-date "Feb 2 of the 5th ice age"
      :price 2300
      :where "sacramento"}

; The last result is the return value of the reduction. It's the map which
; describes the whole row, based on the extractors. It's the apartment data!

Reporting the data

For easy IRC access in Clojure, it’s likely you’ll turn to the late Raynes’ irclj. The API is minimal and can be wrapped with just a few lines.

(def nick "padwatch")
(def channel "#padwatch")

(def connection (atom nil))

; By default, logs go to stdout; use this to quiet them
(defn eat-log [& args]
  (comment pprint args))

(defn disconnect! []
  (when @connection
    (swap! connection irc/kill)))

(defn connect! []
  (reset! connection (irc/connect ""
                                  6667 nick
                                  :callbacks {:raw-log eat-log}))
  (irc/join @connection channel))

(defn message! [msg]
  (irc/message @connection channel msg))

From there, reporting listings as they come in should be no problem. To make the output more terse, some URL shortening can specific formatting could be applied.

; Take a url and return the shortened one, if possible
(defn shorten-url [url]
  (when url
      (slurp (str "" url))
      (catch Throwable _ ; tinyurl can time out; just skip the shortening

(defn message-row! [row-info]
  (let [useful (merge (select-keys row-info [:where :style :price :sqft])
                      {:url (-> row-info :url shorten-url)
                       :walkscore (-> (:walkscore row-info)
                                      (update :url shorten-url)
                                      (dissoc :description))})]
    (irc/message @connection channel (pr-str useful))))

Accessing other services for more detailed information

Padwatch also takes advantage of a few other free services, to improve the reported data. Among them, WalkScore is notable for having a simple API. After signing up and getting a free API key, one can make a limited number of requests per day. Since most Craigslist apartment listings contain the geo tag of the apartment, that information can be sent to Walkscore in order to get accurate information regarding the proximity of shops, transit, and landmarks.

Some listings, however, don’t contain any sort of positional information, aside from the street address. To work around that, Padwatch uses the free Census Geocoding service in order to turn street addresses into latitude & longitude pairs. That information can then be sent into WalkScore to get accurate results.


Since Padwatch is written in Clojure, using its idioms, configuration is done in a declarative EDN file. Fortunately, EDN’s format is just Clojure data, so, since Clojure is homoiconic, it reads just like Clojure code.

The structure of the config map sets up some ranges and limits for prices, walkscores, bed/bathrooms, etc. There’s also a map of sources, to provide source-specific configuration. Sources include Craigslist, Zillow, Walkscore, and Census Geocoding. Here’s an example config.edn:

(let [min-price 1500 max-price 3000
      min-sqft 600 max-sqft 1000
      bedrooms 1 bathrooms 1
      min-walkscore 60]
  {:min-price min-price :max-price max-price
   :min-sqft min-sqft :max-sqft max-sqft
   :bedrooms bedrooms :bathrooms bathrooms
   :min-walkscore min-walkscore
   :source {:craigslist (let [base-url ""
                              max-rows 20]
                          {:source "craigslist"
                           :enabled? true
                           :base-url base-url
                           :search-url (str base-url "/search/apa")
                           :max-rows max-rows
                           :cycle-length-ms (* 1000 60 max-rows) ; Amortize minutes per row
                           :params {:min_price min-price :max_price max-price
                                    :minSqft min-sqft :maxSqft max-sqft
                                    :bedrooms bedrooms :bathrooms bathrooms
                                    :no_smoking 1
                                    :availabilityMode 0 ; All dates
                                    :hasPic 1
                                    :sort "date"
                                    :search_distance 3
                                    :postal 94010
                                    :bundleDuplicates 0}})
            :zillow (let [zones ["belmont-ca" "half-moon-bay-ca"
                                 "highlands-baywood-park-ca" "hillsborough-ca"
                                 "pacifica-ca" "san-bruno-ca"
                                 "south-san-francisco-ca" "brisbane-ca"
                                 "daly-city-ca" "colma-ca" "millbrae-ca"
                                 "oakland-ca" "san-francisco-ca" "piedmont-ca"
                                 "berkeley-ca" "albany-ca" "richmond-ca"
                                 "burlingame-ca" "san-mateo-ca"]]
                      {:source "zillow"
                       :enabled? false
                       :base-url ""
                       :cycle-length-ms (* 1000 60 10 (count zones)) ; Amortize minutes per zone
                       :zones zones})
            :walkscore {:key "XXX-FILL-THIS-IN-XXX"
                        :format-url ""}
            :census-geo {:format-url ""}}})

A note on terms of service

Craigslist, Zillow, and likely most other apartment listing websites have listed, in their terms of service (to which you agree by using their service), that scraping their data with bots is not permitted. You need to know this.


To me, this was a perfect use case for Clojure: data in, data out. Lots of pure transformations, querying of deep data structures, and the occasional side effect (writing to the db to minimize duplicates, reporting listings to IRC). If you’re interested in learning more about Clojure, I recommend, first and foremost, you read through Brave Clojure.